“Is this bass really strong enough?”
"Somewhere out there in the vast nothingness of space,
Somewhere far away in space and time,
Staring upward at the gleaming stars in the obsidian sky,
We're marooned on a small island, in an endless sea.
Confined to a tiny spit of sand, unable to escape,
But tonight,
on this small planet,
on Earth,
We're going to rock civilization..."
Lyrics taken from ‘Prelude’ by Pendulum
Seriously, this has to be the greatest opening to any album ever.
Don’t even try and argue. You know I’m right.
So, the sun decided to bless us all with its divine presence today, so I decided I would forego any vague ideas of working I had and go and have a walk around town, which I haven’t done for ages. At least, not in Sheffield I haven’t.
It was a glorious day, and I had fun checking out all the hustle and bustle of the market. Although to be honest, it was a lot more bustle than hustle, but hey. I also bought these…

I bought the book (from the awesome Fopp) simply because it caught my eye and I find it hard to resist buying books, even though I have loads on my shelf that I am yet to read cos I keep on buying new ones. I’m already reading two books at the moment; besides any actual work I have to do.
The strings I bought because there is nothing better than a full set of new strings on your guitar. I've restrung it (for the first time in fucking aaaaages) and it's just wonderful. Kier nailed it when he said it's like a new instrument. It actually is. Plus, the super-cool guy in the shop let me have the strings for 10 whole pence less than the £5.99 asking price, simply cos he wanted the coins I had rather than taking a twenty from me. Brilliant stuff.
Laters, I'm off to play my guitar all night.