1 Week Down; 3 To Go!
Today was the 8th November, as I'm sure you're all aware, which to me (crazy fool that I am) it was the 8th day of NaNoWriMo. Into week 2 and it is beginning to get noticeably harder to concentrate, and more difficult to coax my ideas out of my brain and onto the page.
I started off well last week, so I'm now ahead of my average word target. 50,000 words in 30 days averages out at 1,667 words a day. I've finished writing for today, and I'm approaching 17,000 words, which basically means I'm about 2 days ahead of schedule, which is fantastic.
As far as what the story is about, I didn't do much planning on it before NaNo started, so it is very much evolving as I write it, which is actually really exciting. My characters keep changing in ways that I really hadn't anticipated. The story is essentially about a 30ish year old man who has no ambition and is very apathetic towards the world. He really has no interest in social change. He doesn't engage in life much, and chooses instead to live his life as he wants, focusing on small pleasures and observing the lives of others. Don't really know where it's all going to end up, but it'll be fun finding out!
I'll update again in a week, when I'll have reached the midway point of NaNoWriMo! Fingers crossed the second week won't destroy me, and I'll be beyond 25,000 and still ahead of target!
We shall see...
I started off well last week, so I'm now ahead of my average word target. 50,000 words in 30 days averages out at 1,667 words a day. I've finished writing for today, and I'm approaching 17,000 words, which basically means I'm about 2 days ahead of schedule, which is fantastic.
As far as what the story is about, I didn't do much planning on it before NaNo started, so it is very much evolving as I write it, which is actually really exciting. My characters keep changing in ways that I really hadn't anticipated. The story is essentially about a 30ish year old man who has no ambition and is very apathetic towards the world. He really has no interest in social change. He doesn't engage in life much, and chooses instead to live his life as he wants, focusing on small pleasures and observing the lives of others. Don't really know where it's all going to end up, but it'll be fun finding out!
I'll update again in a week, when I'll have reached the midway point of NaNoWriMo! Fingers crossed the second week won't destroy me, and I'll be beyond 25,000 and still ahead of target!
We shall see...
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