Note to self: must post more.
So, SORRY! that I haven't been updating at all. I've been a very, very bad blogger. Seen as I'm updating this at work, and need to mention a few things, I'll keep it brief...
- Worked in Brewers Fayre over the summer, but am now coming to the end of my second month with a company called Elite Purchasing. I'm basically telesales, ringing up companies to see if we can help them recycle and cut outgoing costs. It doesn't suck as much as it sounds.
- I plan to go travelling in a year or so. Hence putting up with a job to save up. No concrete plans as of yet, but I have a bloody fantastic Rough Guides book that I've read once, and which will help me immesurably in the planning and actual doing of my travels.
- Me and Melanie went to see Ross Noble at the Newcastle City Hall on Monday. I can't even begin to describe how funny he was!
- Today I start on a quest. As part of NaNoWriMo I shall be endevouring, along with thousands of others around the world, to write a 50,ooo word novel in 30 days! Fucking crazy, I know, but its going to be awesome. I wrote 600 words on the bus into work this morning. I promise to post regular updates on how the novel is going, and hopefully get back into the swing of regular blogging.
I could mention more things that have happened but, y'know, I should really be working. Hope everyone is doing good, and hope (despite my absence) you'll still read this.
Laters all.
Hey you, shitty blogger that you are! Let me know how NaNoWriMo goes - I attempt it every year and decide I've failed by around the 5th. And also check out my journal for photos of some insanely cute girls from Japan Society 'cause we just had a Hallowe'en party.
bad bad bad bad blogger you! Guess who!
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