I worry a lot.
Especially when I wake up to find the back-door has been discretely forced open, and a shiny ID card with my name on it is sitting on the counter.
I am, of course, talking figuratively... but today, hidden away on
page 15 of the Guardian, is a little article which, very matter-of-factly, tells us that ID cards will now be compulsory with all passports issued from 2010.
Hold on a second!
It's been no secret over recent years, and months, that the debate over ID cards was a hotly-contested one. "Protection from illegal immigrants and terrorists", they tell us. "Orwell was right!", we (or at least
I) shout back. A lot of people have very strong opinions on this; one way or another. So, you'd think that such news as this would be front-page stuff. At least, I hoped it would be. But no.
And here's why. What's basically happened is that the Lords, who've been blocking the proposed legislation to make ID cards compulsory for ages now, in the end proposed a compromise today to allow the law to be passed; requiring all passport applicants from 2008 onwards to get an ID card, but with an opt-out period until 2010 for those of us who don't want one.
Y'see, I have a serious problem with that word 'compromise'. My problem being... this was
not a fucking compromise. This is ID cards through the back door, with
no substantive changes to what the government want; allowing Labour to much more easily pass the necessary laws to make
ID cards compulsory for all (regardless of passport application) if they get re-elected. And even if the Tories get elected, and try (as they have stated) to repeal the law, it may well be far too late. Charles Clarke has even admitted this, saying that he thinks it would be too difficult by then to stop it. The civil liberties train will have well and truly left the station. Clarke is gloating about it, and no-one even realises.
And why did the House of Lords 'compromise'? Because they were offered this 'opt-out' clause. Which is a fucking joke, to be blunt. It's the spoonful of sugar, making the evil medicine go down easier. "Oh, that’s fine, people can opt out can they? Alright... have your ID cards, as long as you’re not forcing them on people..."
But they
are forcing them upon us. At least, they will be very, very soon.
So, if you need a new passport, be prepared for a "background check". Don't worry, if you haven’t done anything wrong, they won’t find anything, so it'll be okay right? Wrong. This isn't how it should be. Background checks for everyone, regardless of character or lack of suspicion? This isn’t the path I wanted to see us turn down. Perhaps I’m being naive; to be honest I think we turned down this path a long, long time ago.