Thursday, November 30, 2006

I've done it!

Well, at about 10:30pm last night, with 25 and a half hours to spare, I finally reached 50,000 words, after a long 29 days! It's been a great experience, and when I get round to it I will putting my official NaNo winners icon on this blog somewhere (just to show off, y'know...).

So, who wants to read my story? It does need to be quite heavily edited before anyone can read it, primarily because I wrote it in quite a random order so if I was to post up was is in my word file now it would not make much sense to read! I also need to go back through it and edit the sections where my grammar decided to be shit.

So, what now? Well... as far as writing goes, I need to write the fantasy story (very) loosely based on my sister's life that I promised her on her 18th Birthday... which was back in May. Initially it was going to be a short story but it looks as though it's going to turn into a fully-fledged novel, at least 50k in length.

And, of course, I need to blog more. For I have neglected you all for far too long.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Yesterday I broke the 40,ooo mark, which means in the final week I only have to write 10,000 words to make the magical 50k! I'm feeling really pleased about still being ahead, still by around 2 days, but as I write this I still haven't wrote anything on my novel today - so I must do that this evening.

As for a title - I still haven't got one. Not that I really need one right now, but it would be nice. I think anything would work for a title really, seen as it is kinda hard to pin down what the book is about anyway!

Still not sure if I like the story... which is quite a strange feeling. I'm *really* pleased with some parts, some passages I just love to bits, but as the complete story goes... I think it might be a bit boring. However, we shall see when I have finished it completely, and can give it a read through. I still have to remind myself that none of it has been edited at all, so it is pretty hard to judge how good it actually is.

Can't wait until the 30th. I'm sure I will have the made the 50k by then, and will be able to start on my next writing project (I'll come back to this one next year probably, to edit it and change anything that's crap). I already know what my next project will be, but
I will leave that til another post - when December rolls around.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Day 17 and 30,000 words

Well, I've flown past the midpoint of NaNoWriMo, and I'm still going strong. I am hoping to write some more today but at this point I'm just peeking over the 30k mark by a few words, which leaves me about 1 day ahead of schedule. I would have liked to have been further ahead by this point, as I can feel it getting harder and harder by the day, but hey - at least I'm not behind schedule.

Also, there is something that should ease the pressure on me as I enter the last two weeks of NaNoWriMo, which I should probably mention. On Tuesday I left my job at Elite Purchasing. I've really rather enjoyed my time there (with the actual calling of people being probably the most unenjoyable part!) and it's a shame to leave. However, it was a 'Jump before I am pushed' kind of scenario, as despite my lack of telesales experience one of the directors was unhappy with my progress, and was wanting 10 appointments from me a week, instead of the 3 (at best) that I had so far managed.

Oh well, it was an experience, at least. You have to try these things, other wise you wouldn't know if you were any good at them or not.

So, being unemployed I am now at home all day, which of course gives me the chance to write a lot more! I am going to try and blitz my novel as much as I can this weekend; I want to be as far ahead of schedule as I possibly can before I enter the final week!

As for the novel itself, my characters have decided to pull me along with them, and every other day a new twist or idea pops up from nowhere to help the plot along. I am just about to write a particularly significant event, which will occur around 2/3 of the way through my story, and will shape the later chapters.

Although, I am still not sure whether I actually like my story or not. The thing is, with writing so much I don't really get chance to read it!

Will post again as I enter my 4th and final week! Until then, check out my on-going progress on my NaNoWriMo profile.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

1 Week Down; 3 To Go!

Today was the 8th November, as I'm sure you're all aware, which to me (crazy fool that I am) it was the 8th day of NaNoWriMo. Into week 2 and it is beginning to get noticeably harder to concentrate, and more difficult to coax my ideas out of my brain and onto the page.

I started off well last week, so I'm now ahead of my average word target. 50,000 words in 30 days averages out at 1,667 words a day. I've finished writing for today, and I'm approaching 17,000 words, which basically means I'm about 2 days ahead of schedule, which is fantastic.

As far as what the story is about, I didn't do much planning on it before NaNo started, so it is very much evolving as I write it, which is actually really exciting. My characters keep changing in ways that I really hadn't anticipated. The story is essentially about a 30ish year old man who has no ambition and is very apathetic towards the world. He really has no interest in social change. He doesn't engage in life much, and chooses instead to live his life as he wants, focusing on small pleasures and observing the lives of others. Don't really know where it's all going to end up, but it'll be fun finding out!

I'll update again in a week, when I'll have reached the midway point of NaNoWriMo! Fingers crossed the second week won't destroy me, and I'll be beyond 25,000 and still ahead of target!

We shall see...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Note to self: must post more.

So, SORRY! that I haven't been updating at all. I've been a very, very bad blogger. Seen as I'm updating this at work, and need to mention a few things, I'll keep it brief...

  • Worked in Brewers Fayre over the summer, but am now coming to the end of my second month with a company called Elite Purchasing. I'm basically telesales, ringing up companies to see if we can help them recycle and cut outgoing costs. It doesn't suck as much as it sounds.

  • I plan to go travelling in a year or so. Hence putting up with a job to save up. No concrete plans as of yet, but I have a bloody fantastic Rough Guides book that I've read once, and which will help me immesurably in the planning and actual doing of my travels.

  • Me and Melanie went to see Ross Noble at the Newcastle City Hall on Monday. I can't even begin to describe how funny he was!

  • Today I start on a quest. As part of NaNoWriMo I shall be endevouring, along with thousands of others around the world, to write a 50,ooo word novel in 30 days! Fucking crazy, I know, but its going to be awesome. I wrote 600 words on the bus into work this morning. I promise to post regular updates on how the novel is going, and hopefully get back into the swing of regular blogging.

I could mention more things that have happened but, y'know, I should really be working. Hope everyone is doing good, and hope (despite my absence) you'll still read this.

Laters all.